Your Large Concrete Block Headquarters

Retaining Walls

Large Concrete Block Retaining Wall

Use our large concrete blocks for gravity retaining walls. Our system focuses on value engineering, delivering faster installation and less slope embedment.

Security Walls and Barriers

Large Concrete Block Blast Barrier

Our large concrete blocks form excellent barriers and security walls, due to there large mass.

Railroad Walls

Large Concrete Block Railroad Retaining Wall

Use our large concrete blocks to build proven, reliable railroad walls for live loads close to the track.

Block Rentals for Ballasts and Counter Weights

Large Concrete Cylinder Ballast

Use our large concrete blocks to support tents and temporary event structures.

Block Structures

Large Concrete Block Hangar Structure

Use our large concrete blocks to create modular, imaginative structures, saving money over traditional methods.

Material Containment Bins

Large Concrete Block Material Containment Bin

Use our large concrete blocks to create versatile material containment bins, featuring quick, easy installation at a cost value.

Flood Control Walls

Flood Control Wall

Our large concrete blocks create excellent flood control walls, since they are interlocking precast units which don't require mortar.

Diversion Barriers

Large Concrete Block Diversion Barrier

Use our large concrete blocks for emergency diversion barriers, featuring quick, easy installation.

Enviro-Block™ El Niño Applications

Enviro-Block™ El Niño applications include:

Large Concrete Blocks

inter-Block Retaining Systems Inc. is the licensed manufacturer of the Enviro-Block™, a two ton (4,000lbs) inter-locking, stackable pre-cast concrete block.

Temporary Large Concrete Block Retaining Walls

Enviro-Block™ is perfect for both permanent and temporary applications. The installation of this system is very fast and requires a very short learning curve with a small ground crew and a machine operator.

Large Concrete Block Retaining Wall Design and Engineering

We are a complete turnkey solution provider from concept to completion, providing engineering /design and a certified Enviro-Block™ licensed installation contractor. No job too small or too large.

Large Concrete Block Retaining Wall Analysis

For your next earth retention, flood control, security or any other large concrete block retaining wall project, contact us for a free preliminary analysis. Our expertise is unsurpassed as our knowledge in large concrete block gravity wall projects is unmatched.

Segmental Retaining Walls

Segmental retaining walls are modular block retaining walls used for vertical grade change applications. Our segmental retaining walls are generally designed and constructed as gravity retaining walls (conventional). The system consists of dry-cast concrete blocks that are placed without mortar (dry stacked) and rely on their keyed interface and mass to resist overturning and sliding. Block to block interfaces include friction, shear elements, and interlock. The systems may also employ soil reinforcement that extends into the backfill and allows for the construction of walls with significant height (e.g. in excess of 50 ft (15.24 m)) that could not be accomplished with the blocks alone.

Segmental Retaining Wall Gravity Blocks

Segmental retaining walls are considered flexible structures. SRW blocks are manufactured in conformance with industry standards and specifications to assure that units delivered to a project are uniform in weight, dimensional tolerances, strength, and durability—features not necessarily provided in site cast materials.

  • To schedule a presentation, please contact us.
  • Retaining Wall Engineering & Installation
  • Retaining Wall Design/Build Contracting Available
  • Block rentals now available for securing event tent structures such as, counterweights, ballasts, anchor weights and deadmen.
inter-Block Retaining Systems Inc.
Post Office Box 2992
Valley CenterCA  92082-2992
 toll free (800) 406-2066
 phone (760) 751-0231
 contact email
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© 1993 - 2025 inter-Block Retaining Systems Inc.